Photographer of all things

wonderful and worthy.

The creator of the universe put so much thought into every

single thing He made. You can literally pick one category

of creation and never stop marveling at how intricate and

unique it is. (Just look at snowflakes!) You and I are part

of that marvelous creation. And we are no less magnificent

than the clouds in the sky. Than the mighty mountains and

the rushing rivers. But our glory is different than theirs,

because we were made in the same image as the Creator.

We have a uniquely beautiful relationship with Him that

the rest of creation doesn’t. And I strive to capture that

beauty in and around you while we are together.

Jesus is my desire.

Capturing the beauty in His creation is my passion.

“You have got to own your days.

Each one of them.

Every one of them. ”

-Herb Gardner

Life is relentless. It never stops coming at you. And we are

often too busy to slow down and enjoy the season of life we

are in. The seasons often feel overwhelming, but oh, how

they will be missed when they are gone. The most precious

thing you can do is to let yourself be in the moment. And

truly BE. Be happy. Be joyful. Be in awe of all of the miracles

around you. That is exactly what I want our time together

to be. Not only is it so precious to have those moments, but

when you have photographs to relive those moments, it

serves as a reminder to intentionally slow down more often

and to truly appreciate the people around you.

I just adore the pictures you took of Cullen as Christopher captured a moment in time in Cullen’s life, and yet you captured so much more. You captured an imaginative story and poignant memories, you captured lyrics and poetry and music that linger in the minds’ eye in those stories.
— Pam

Hi, I’m Sarah.

I am a San Antonio-based photographer of all the things. I

have loved photography since I was a small girl. I remember

falling in love with the idea of street photography after

watching Sabrina (the Harrison Ford remake, of course),

and it sparked a desire in me to create beauty. I find

inspiration in many places - nature… poetry… really good

cinematography (have you SEEN A Hidden Life?!) but

ultimately, my inspiration is my Jesus.


See My Work





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